Mon 27 Jan
💖 Your Favorite is Back 💖 😇 Angel face 💦 & 🔥Hell of a BODY 👅 💦 💖 BEAUTY QUEEN 👑 the BEST experience💋 - 21
(, Providence&Connecticut; RI 💖 4018379074 👑)
💎♛[☆THe ☆Pєяƒє¢† ☆TREAT☆ ]♛💎♛[💍] ❤❤🎀💕🎀 YoU HAvEN'T HaD ❤❤💖ThE BeST 💖❤❤👑UnTIL YoU'vE HAD☆ME - 24
Sl¡p N Sl¡dє... ₩!Th A°((SmacKaBle)) "B"oO"ty ♡PINK & jUiCY!♡ ★SK¡LL€D L¡PS & T¡GHT GR¡PS♥ SPCl - 29
(, providence)
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ☆♢Sexy☆ Submissive sweet💜☆•💋🎁 - 24
(out /allover ri & Newport & surround, Providence, Warwick)
💋❤💋 Sexy 💋 Cute 💋 Spontaneous 💋 forget the rest & come play with the BEST 💋❤💋 - 24
(, Providence/ downtown area)
💎Ready To Get Your Freak on for Valentine's day💋🍆 Marilyn Is Your Girl 🍑🌹 - 25
(All over ri mass, Providence)
~*One Of A Kind Hot Blond Bombshell Catering To Your Needs*~ SPECIALS SPECIALS SPECIALS - 23
(, providence in calls (MASS&CT; OUT CALLS))
ღ New & Exciting ღ║Independant ║Sensational ║Gorgouse║Brunette ღ - 23
(Providence, Providing Outcalls Only)
NO sales pitch here! NO crazy "incentives" .JUST GOOD old fashioned QUALITY - 42
(, providence. in/out)
Labor Day Specials last weekend to enjoy this Summer Treat Descreet and Comfortable - 28
(, Pawtucket RI incall only)
°☆° It is Pertinent °☆° to READ my WHOLE write up, PLEASE!! Recently Divorced /Upscale Lady!! - 36
(, RI/ In/Outcalls)
♥HOT BLOND BOMBSHELL Catering To All Your Needs! Your Wish Is My Command♥ SPECIALS SPECALS NEW PICS♥ - 23
If your in the mood for some serious mutual play, Come on over my way!!! No B.S. pics are new 100% - 38
(, Cranston incall / outcalls provided)
❤ ★ ❤HOT Asian Girl ~Best Body Massage in RI !! ~Sunflower Spa ~ - 23
(, 627 Douglas ave Providence RI (exit23))
🌹★🌹【 BUSTY】🌹★🌹 【 CURVY】🌹★🌹【 BEAUTIFUL 】🌹★🌹 The Mature Gentlemen's #1 Companion 🌹★🌹 - 41
(ez off 95 PRIVATE HOME, Providence)
=(__)= --- Brain Brunette--- Out/IN Call Specials --- iTALiAN --- , Tan, Beautiful ---=(__)= - 19
(OutCall Or In!)
Beautiful, Full Figured, Mature, College Educated Woman. Cuddling Included! New, Awesome Review! - 41
(15 to 20 min. North of Woonsocket, Providence)
Beautiful busty blonde.....ACTUAL PIX......incall read......2 SPECIALS - 27
(Providence, providence warwick incall)
▇♥♥▇♥♥▇ 100hh SPECIAL SweeT * SenSuaL *IndePenDent *SeXy * ScHooL *GiRL▇♥♥▇♥♥▇ OUTCALLS ONLY!! - 19
(, RI)
Seeking Attractive Female for Arrangement and Recurring Evenings out for Wining and Dining - 37
(, Providence)
Wild Stallions/ Treasure Your Pleasure /Also Hiring/Ages 21/35 in/out - 21
(, Providence/Newport/Kingston)
🍒🍒🍒Your Asian Sensation🍒🍒🍒Petite, Discreet, oh SUCH A Sweet Treat 🍭🍇🍉🍭🍇🍉 - 22
(, outcalls everywhere in RI 🌎😉🍒🍭)
Treat yourself to the sweetest of treats.You shouldn't settle 4 any less than the BEST. 2 sexy 2 mis - 27
(, W. Warwick)
Sunday Specials *•-:-•* Mmm..Look @ me *•-:-•* Jessii *•-:-•* Pretty & Petite *•-:-•* Jessii *•-:-•* - 22
(, incalls in warwick/outcalls in ri)
💕·💕💖PERFECT 10💗💗 PRETTY 💓💓 PLAYFUL💓💓 Blonde ____·MaDE •°★ FoR•°⇨ YoUR★•°• PLeaSuRe💕 - 20
(outcalls, Providence)
° ° M ._@_ _K_ ° ° E ____________ ° ° ° ° ._M_E_. ° °° ° __________ - 21
(, Incalls / Outcalls)
For the Traveling Businessman that Requires the Best in Life! Review#151791 - 27
(, dwntwn Prov/airport/newport/casino Outs)
Sun 12 Jan
Sat 11 Jan
ღ♥°• ҉ ҉ღTruE ↗ ҉ღ♥.•°.❤ F • L • A • W • L • E • S • S Pεяƒεcтioη! ❤.° •.♥ღ!! - 27
(, in/out upscale)
~ Chocolate Sensation GET ur MONEY'$ worth...SPEND it w/a BOOTYFUL miXed hottie - 21
Fri 10 Jan
(in/out - Pawt- RI-all over)